First SOSLeM Consortium Meeting scheduled for May 11th

The SOSLeM project officially started on April 1st and will be running for the next three years. The project aims at optimising the production process of fuel cell stacks to benefit European manufacturing to give them a competitive advantage.

In order to have a successful start to the project the SOSLeM partners from all over Europe are meeting up to discuss the next steps with in the project. The Consortium Meeting will be held on the May 11th at the Headquarters of SOLIDpower SpA in Mezzolombardo, Italy. The meeting will offer all partners the chance to get to know each other as well as to present their expertise and their roles within the project. It will also serve as a platform for discussions between the partners and the possibility to plan joint planning within the project. We are looking forward to meeting all the partners who will be working towards implementing the SOSLeM project successfully and thank them in advance for their contribution over the next three years.